Honey Bee AirFlex Header
Full Details
AirFLEX Headers
AirFLEX® is a flexible draper header that allows for greater precision at higher speeds. It features sensors and air suspension that allow the header to shave the ground, picking up more of the crop and making operators more money. The AirFLEX ® is lightweight yet durable, sophisticated yet easy to use.
Features & Benefits
Rigid Mode
Cutterbar is inflexible; high performance in cereals.
Flex Mode
AirFLEX shaves the ground and is ideal for soybeans, peas and lentils.
High Performance Drapers
The new draper tensioning system provides smooth consistent operation regardless of what crop is being harvested.
Easy Transport System and lightweight
The AirFLEX transport wheels are designed to be there when the operator needs need them and off for harvest. They’re self-aligning and can be mounted in five minutes. AirFLEX ® headers are lightweight, yet durable.
Fully Synchronized, Centrally Driven Knives
The smooth operating knife drive provides powerful cutting action and increased durability, while enabling a lighter and more streamlined crop divider.
High Performance Reel
The custom built, fully adjustable reel ranges from gentle to aggressive with unlimited finger spacing options to leave no crop behind.
Compatible with most major combine models.
Widths from 7.6m to 15.2m
Automatix control panel is easy to operate and offers automated header height control. The AUTOMATIX push button system is an advanced control panel delivering simple and complete control of the AirFLEX, including real time monitoring of all systems.