If you saw AMIA Ltd on their stand at the recent LAMMA Show 2014 you will have seen examples of the wide range of industry leading machinery which they exclusively distribute into the UK and Ireland. The show itself was a great success for AMIA with a lot of farmers, contractors and agricultural machinery having the opportunity to get a close up look at the ranges available.
The ranges on show included Enorossi’s Tedders, Rakes, Disc Mowers and Tedder & Rake combinations. There was a lot of interest in Enorossi’s range of Batrakes which for example allows Batrake 12 customers to buy a new 7.4m working width rake for under £5500 + VAT. Due to Enorossi’s patented unique design there are no issues with roping or stone collection leaving the user with a quick, effective, low maintenance, easy to pull and use rake for a very cost effective price. There was also a lot of interest in Enorossi’s disc mowers with the DM4, DM6 and DM8 models having the option of 3 blades per disc and all models boosting a superior disc bed. The ever popular DR420 Tedder and Rake combination with its 6 different functions also drew a lot of attention.
Also on the stand was Tubeline’s Bale Boss 1 front mounted side firing Bale Processor, Inline Bale Wrappers and Flat 10 Bale Accumulators and 10 bale Grabber. Tubeline’s 10 bale Accumulator and 10 bale grabber also proved to be very popular at the show with a lot of contractors commenting about the fact that this machine would allow them to load a trailer very quickly without having to restack the bales on the trailer bed to fill the trailer to its edges. The Bale Boss 1 front mounted bale processor for telehandlers and skidsteers brought a lot of people to the stand who wanted a machine which did not tie up a tractor whilst also giving them the option to both feed and bed whilst also having the potential to use it to windrow large bales for rebaling into small bales. The BalewrapperX2 inline bale wrapper with its ability to wrap up to 120 round or square bales an hour also drew a large crowd.
Keltec Engineering’s Bale Slice, Bale Unwinder and self loading Bale Trailer were also presented. The popular Keltec Bale Slice was working on the stand and created quite a stir in the passing crowd who could see the incredible time savings that this machine can make as well as the fact that you do not have to touch or unwrap round bales when feeding or filling mixer wagons meaning that you do not have to deal with smelly and damaged hands. The Bale Slice removes and holds plastic, netting and wrap whilst splitting the bale all the time with you sat in your cab. The incredible Keltec self loading bale trailer also generated a lot of interest.
JAY-LOR’s range of Mini TMR Mixer Wagons including self propelled, trailer, stationary and truck mounted models were also represented. The self propelled model was on the stand and allowed visitors to see a machine which allows true TMR feeding for speciality groups, calf rearing operations, high yielders, dry cows, goats, sheep and farms with limited building access.
BLU-JET’s Strip Till and Subsoilers were also on display. The SubTiller4 subsoiler with its auto reset and also the Strip Till NT were on the stand. Unfortunately one of the unique AT2000 Liquid Fertiliser Injection Side Dressers were not available for display at the show which was a shame as there was a lot of interest in seeing a machine which has been proven to make such a radical increase to your yields for your wide row crops like Maize by putting the fertiliser exactly where you need it avoiding any issues where you traditionally lose fertiliser through the sun, rain and wind.
Alan Dennis AMIA Ltd, Managing Director said ‘We were delighted to be able to see so many existing customers and catch up with a lot of our dealerships from all around the UK and Ireland, whilst also having the opportunity to meet so many new dealerships and new customers’. Mr Dennis went on to say ‘We were delighted with the response we had to the products and ranges we had on display and we would like to say a big thank you to everybody who took the time to come and see us at the show’.
AMIA Ltd also introduced the revolutionary Trenona ‘Bale Swift’ twin bale handler for round or square bales which won an award for ‘Best new product or Innovation’ at the prestigious LAMMA Show 2014 awards evening on the first day of the show. This machine allows the operator to significantly speed up moving and loading bales in the field as well as uniquely speed up operators wrapping system due to its patented and unique design. This allows contractors and farmers to make big time and cost saving to help increase profits. David Carbis Trenona Farm Machinery, Managing Director said ‘To win a national award like the LAMMA Show 2014 best new product or innovation for our Bale Swift bale handler is very exciting and it is an honour for me and the rest of the Trenona team including my wife Pam’ and Mr Carbis goes on to say ‘we are also very happy to be exclusively working with our distributor AMIA Ltd to bring the Bale Swift and our Bag Handlers to farmers throughout the UK and Ireland through AMIA’s dealership network’. As well as the Bale Swift bale handler Trenona also manufacturer a range of Bag Handlers which not only meet the legal requirements of the LOLER 1998 regulations but also fulfil a second function allowing the operator to uniquely use their bag handler to hold dumpy bags open for filling.
Dealerships are invited to contact AMIA today to discuss opportunities in your area and farmers and contractors are invited to contact AMIA Ltd to find out who their nearest dealership is. Please contact AMIA Ltd on 01392 580 987 or email info@agrimarketia.com or visit www.agrimarketia.com for videos, information and brochures on all of the AMIA ranges of machinery.
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